"It is a play where I cover me the face and beginning to count, since the one to a million, while you hide. When it finish to count, I sought him until he find him", I explain the Insanity.
The Enthusiasm I dance of happy and the Happiness gave leaps that finish to convince to the Doubt, and even to the Indifference, to which never nothing interested him. But not all they wanted to participate. The Truth preferred not to be hidden. So that?, if in the end always they found it. The haughtiness thought that was a very foolish play. In the fund what bothered was him that the idea had not left she. And the Cowardice preferred not to be risked.
The Insanity quickly began to count. The first one in being hidden was the Laziness, that as usual, itself abandonment to fall in the foundation stone that found. The Envy went behind the Triumph, who by its own effort had managed to rise to the cup of the tree but highly. The Generosity almost did not reach to be hidden. Each place seemed him marvelous for some of its friends The crystalline lake for the Beauty. The crack of a tree was perfect for the Timidity. A gust of wind seemed exaggerates him for the Liberty. At last after thinking first in all, the Generosity I finish being hidden in a ray of sun. The Selfishness, on the other hand, he found a very good
place since the principle. It was aired, comfortable, but alone for the. The Lie hid behind the rainbow. And the Passion and the Desire, among the volcanos.
When the Insanity already almost finished to count, the Love even had not found a place to be hidden, therefore all was busy. Until to the end saw a rosebush and decided to be hidden among its flowers.
"¡A million!", the insanity said. And it began to seek. The first one in appearing was the Laziness that was to alone three steps. To the Passion and the Desire, felt them in the to vibrate of the volcanos. In a carelessness found the Envy. And clearly also it found to the triumph. To the Selfishness not pipe neither that to seek it, therefore the sun salio of its hideout that I result to be a nest of wasps. The Insanity of so much walk felt thirst, and upon approaching the lake discovered to the Beauty. Finding to the doubt was a lot but easy. It found it seated even without being able to decide where was going to hide. Thus it was finding to all: The Talent was among the fresh herb. The Anguish, in a dark cave. The Lie, behind the rainbow. And even he found the Oversight, that had been forgot that he was playing them hidden.
But alone the Love appeared for no side. The Insanity I seek behind each tree, under each stream of the land, in the tops of the mountains. And when it was for giving up, saw the rosebush. It took a small stick and began to move the branches. Suddenly I listen a painful shout. The thorns had injured the eyes of the Love. The not wise Insanity that to cause to be excused. I cry, begged, I implore, asked pardon and even promised to accompany it always.
Desde entonces el Amor es ciego y la Locura siempre lo acompaña.